Friday, June 12, 2020

Time Table for the Padlet next week 

Week commencing 15th June 2020 

Monday: Fabulous Food 
Tuesday: Summer nature hunt 
Wednesday: Lego fun 
Thursday: Art Pack 2 
Friday: Did anyone say Pizza? ?

Materials you will need next week

Monday: Food 
Tuesday: Things you find in nature 
Wednesday: Lego
Thursday: Art Pack 2 
Friday: Pizza base, toppings - cheese, tomato sauce (whatever you like to eat) 

 Look back on the week 

12th June 2020 

On Monday, we were busy with having lots of fun using our Tricky Words.  We played a game of fish, bingo and matching with our Tricky Words.  Well done everyone and remember you can always keep playing these games throughout the summer. 

On Tuesday, we were busy working with numbers.  We were using our stickers, markers and pegs to help us with our counting. Then we did some wonderful sums using our numbers.  These children love numbers. 


On Wednesday, the Rainbow Room shared a picture of them wearing their favourite colour.  The children were busy finding things that were showed their favourite colour.  Everyone had such good fun collecting objects in our favourite colour or wearing a top in our favourite colour. There were plenty of giggles today!! Well done everyone! 


Thank you for this lovely note.  We miss you very much too.  

On Thursday, we were busy with our art.  We all made a lovely whale today.  We have such great artists in the Rainbow Rooms.


On Friday, we were busy thinking of our most favourite thing about the Summer.  Some of the children told us what they enjoyed going to the airport, being outside and the hot weather!! While other children showed us what they enjoyed doing - going on their scooter and blowing bubbles.  All of these sounds wonderful!! 


Friday, June 5, 2020

Time Table for the Padlet next week 

Week commencing 8th June 2020 

Monday: Tricky Words Games 
Tuesday: Sticky Numbers 
Wednesday: Find your favourite colour
Thursday: Art Pack 1
Friday: Our Favourite things about Summer

Materials you will need next week

Monday: Tricky Words - in your packs
Tuesday: Stickers, Marker, Paper 
Wednesday: Coloured Top
Thursday: Art Pack 1
Friday: Show and tell us what you like the best about Summer

Look back on the week 

5th June 2020 


On Tuesday, we kicked off sports week with the Rainbow Room staff showing off their different sports moves.  The children were encouraged to try some of these actions at home.  

On Wednesday, Gaelic Football Coach Noreen, showed us some great moves to keep our Gaelic Football Skills fresh and on Thursday, some of the Rainbow Room Staff gave us a giggle showing us their soccer skills.  Here is just one of the children showing off their great skills!!! 


On Friday, the children were challenged to to do a sponge water activity.  Unfortunately, the weather was quite wet, so if the weather improves over the weekend, the children might like to give it a go then.  

But the weather didn't put a dampener to the week's events because teacher Catherine did a lovely dance video for the children to get dancing to, which I am sure they all enjoyed.  

Well done to all the children for staying active throughout the week.  We loved seeing your beautiful is a collection of the things you did this week!! 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Time Table for the Padlet next week 

Week commencing 2nd June 2020 

It is Sport Week in School this week 

Monday: Bank Holiday Monday
Tuesday: Lets get active - post a picture of you doing some of the moves
Wednesday: Gaelic football with Noreen
Thursday: Funny soccer day
Friday: Outside water play

Materials you will need next week

Monday: Bank Holiday Monday
Tuesday: Skipping rope, hoop
Wednesday: Football
Thursday: Football
Friday: Sponges, water, chalk, bucket 

 Look back on the week 

29th May 2020 


This week the school celebrated 'Wellbeing Week' and so over the week, the children were encouraged to participate in activities where the focus was on overall Wellbeing. It was a really sunny week, so the weather also helped us all feel good in ourselves and happy to be able to get outside and enjoy the nice weather.   

Mindful Monday - Enjoy making music today 

On Monday, our focus was on the children's overall mindfulness and what better way to support a positive and happy outlook, but to incorporate music.  Bearing this in mind, we decided to start the week by challenging the children to make their very own music instruments.  The children of course in the Rainbow Rooms rose to the challenge and then a great job.  It was a nice way for the children to express their creative side as they individualised their own toy instrument. 

Thoughtful Tuesday - Be kind and thoughtful towards your pet today! 

On Tuesday, the focus was on being thoughtful and kind.  All the Rainbow Room staff know that when we are feeling lonely that there is no better way of feeling better than spending time with our pets or cuddly toys.  Our pets or cuddly toys are are always there to hug and that makes us all feel better.  So, on Tuesday, the Rainbow Room Staff decided they would share pictures of them being  kind and thoughtful to their pets.  The children in the Rainbow Rooms of course were kind to their pets and cuddly toys and share their lovely pictures.  

I wonder if you recognise this dog from the picture.  That's right... we were all lucky to meet this dog last year, when the assistance dogs came to visit our school.  

Workout Wednesday 

Wednesday was another fabulous day, the sun was shining and it was a great excuse to get outside and be active.  All the staff in the Rainbow Rooms decided to share pictures of the things they like to do....can you guess who is doing which activity....

Writing a letter? 
Going for a walk with their family?

The children also got active and had lots of fun!!!


Thankful Thursday 

On Thursday, we marked 'Thankful Thursday' by making delicious smoothies or fruit salads to share with our families, as a way to show that we are thankful for all the happiness and joy that they bring to our lives. The weather was wonderful outside and there was no better way to spend the day, than drinking smoothies in the back garden with our family.    


Feel good Friday 

On Friday, the day was all about feeling good.  The Rainbow Room staff put together a little video of themselves all having good fun playing a game of catch together ...even if it was virtual....😊😊. The children were encouraged to relax now after a busy week and spend some quality time playing a game of catch with their families.  


These children keep on going!!!! Well done to everyone who kept on going with the activities over last weekend...amazing.  

And if that was not enough, they even had time to make some delicious toffee apples and became Teacher for the day at home, writing super questions and setting up a timetable.  Wow, there is no stopping these children.  They are all Super Stars!! 

Please note that we are now using the new Padlet Rainbow Rooms 2. 
Rainbow Rooms 2 - Starting 25th May 2020
The password remains the same to access both Padlets for the Rainbow Rooms.   


Friday, May 22, 2020

Time Table for the Padlet next week 

Week commencing 25th May 2020

Please note that we are now using the new Padlet Rainbow Rooms 2. 
Rainbow Rooms 2 - Starting 25th May 2020
The password remains the same to access both Padlets for the Rainbow Rooms.   

This week the school is celebrating Wellbeing Week and so during the course of the week, we will be focusing on activities that will be promoting Wellbeing.  

Mindful Monday - Enjoy making music today 
Thoughtful Tuesday - Be kind and thoughtful towards your pet today! 
Workout Wednesday -  Get active doing your favourite activity
Thankful Thursday - Smoothie Making or Fruit Salad 
Fell good Friday - Having fun together Activity with family

Materials you will need next week

Monday: Empty box, Scissors, Card, Colouring Pencils   
Your family pet or favourite cuddly animal toy
Wednesday: Favourite activity
Thursday: Fruit that you like; suggested  - banana, strawberries, yogurt, raspberries, orange juice, help with a blender or bowl for fruit salad, beaker
Friday: Tennis Ball

 Look back on the week 

22nd May 2020 

Update: Padlet 

As you may have noticed, our current Padlet has become to slow down, due to the high volume of video clips and photographs. 

To help assist in a more time efficient manner for learning the Padlet, we have decided to simply add a new Padlet RainbowRooms2,

You can join on this link and the password remains the same as the previous padlet.  

And don't worry, the previous Padlet is still accessible using the current password. 

Thank you

 Birthday Wishes 

This week there was a special occassion for one of the boys in the Rainbow Rooms.  Teacher Colin and everyone wanted to mark the special day for Fionn and wish him a very happy birthday.  Although we couldn't be together at this time, we still were thinking of Fionn and sending him lots of happy wishes for a wonderful birthday.  

Wacky Weighing Challenge 

We all learned how to weigh lots of items in our houses using a very wacky weighing scales.  Once we made our very own wacky weighing scales, we got busy seeing what objects were the heaviest and lightest in our houses.  Remember if the object goes down it means it the heaviest and if the object goes up, it means it is the lightest. 


Baking Brownies 

On Tuesday, we were busy in the kitchen, baking our beautiful brownies.  To make the brownies, we had to do a lot of sieving, mixing and whisking, but all this hard work was worth it, as they in the end we had to do a lot of tasting.  They were very yummy.  

Both Ann and Emma said hello to the children, they are both missing you all so much.  


Messy Play 

Wednesday, was very messy indeed.  The sun was shining and it was lovely and warm outside, so it was the perfect opportunity to get outside and have lots of fun doing messy play.  It is clear to see that these children had a great time.  



Ger and Fatima said hello to the children today. They are both super proud of all the work the children have been doing. 


Art Thursday 

On Thursday, the children got busy with their Art Packs 6 and they created their wonderful chickens. The children are all great Artists, in the Rainbow Rooms, that they always love to show off their own creations.  Amazing!! We are very impressed!!! 


Geraldine and Noeleen said hello to the children today.  They are both very happy to see all the children's happy faces.  


Word Fun 

On Friday, it was time to bring the learning to a new level. We were learning action words and to make it really fun, we had to do the action that we were reading.  Phew!!! We were all tired and ready for the weekend after today's challenge.  

The children keep on working......